E-learning and certification
powered by
Wordbee’s official e-learning and certification partner
Maximize your investment in Wordbee
We have partnered with language-service provider Wordcraft to create affordable e-learning and certification courses for the people who use your platform. Each course includes certification testing.
Send us an e-mail and tell us what you need! We will be happy to help.
Get a taste of the video courses
Our e-learning and certification packages are here to help you close the knowledge gap between your most experienced project managers and your translators. Having a roster of translators who know how to use your tool makes sense!
Have a look at the sample video, “Wordbee Training Basics - Logging On,” the first of over 90 videos in the Wordbee course for translators.
Incredible value and quick ROI
Our e-learning and certification courses represent a huge value for organizations and individual translators alike!
Organizations can quickly and efficiently train hundreds, even thousands, of translators on using Wordbee systems. Generate a quick ROI through better efficiency and productivity.
Four options for courses and certification
The e-learning modules are available for different amounts of time. It’s great to keep them available because they are highly useful resources, not just for learning the first time, but for reference.
So many reasons to get an e-learning package
When your translators know how to use Wordbee, you are instantly a better organization.
Onboard your project managers
Get your PMs up to speed on Wordbee quickly.
Onboard your translators
Get better results when your translators know how to use all the rich features of Wordbee.
Focus on translation quality
There are many ways to improve your workflows so translators can focus on quality.
Increase efficiency and save time
Save so much time when your translators don’t bother you with the easy questions.