Manage your translations with TYPO3 and localize content at scale
Manage translations with Beebox + TYPO3 to produce multilingual content, save time and elliminate copy-paste errors. Reach the highest level of productivity and quality with this flexible, scalable and customizable tool for Web Content Management.
Elite tools for the world’s largest brands
Build a WORLD-CLASS and LOCALIZED global presence
Reaching global market can also mean struggling with consistency and different versions. Beebox smooths the process of writing a multilingual content.
Beebox helps you instantly save time and money thanks to translation memories. Streamline your production and localization processes with TYPO3.
Integrating TYPO3 is a smart move to avoid getting your entire brand locked in to a single provider. Beebox gives you the possibility to work with the provider you offers you the best service, not the one you are chained to.

Beebox is a great solution to reduce or eliminate costs related to development, configurating translation memory or connecting to translation providers.

多渠道解决方案:不仅是 TYPO3 (!)
You may have content that is not related to TYPO3. Unify all your content sources with Beebox, even when custom development is needed.

You can check a wide range of translation status, review and report according to your needs. With Beebox and Wordbee Translator, you get all the report an enterprise would ever need.

Benefit from top-class visibility and transparency across your translation projects

Beebox automatically manages content from your translation memories to control and reduce costs when working with suppliers.

Give your translator the technology to reach the highest quality: with live preview they can preview live the web page they are translating for a true in-context editing.
Free trial
Start your 15 day free trial or talk to one of our localization consultants.
Beebox is the choice of the world’s biggest brands for its security features

Beebox is an on-site installation which offers the same high security level you already have on site.

Strong control over every activity in your Beebox

Some of the world’s largest enterprises chose Beebox for its wide range of security features. Please request a demo if you want to know more.