Partner-Webinar: Automatisierte Workflows für die Lokalisierung Ihres ContentsSo laufen Ihre Übersetzungsprojekte wie am Schnürchen 15. November 2017 - 10:00 Uhr Register Wie stellen Sie sicher, dass die Lokalisierung Ihres Contents reibungslos klappt, jeder...
Pourquoi nous devrions utiliser le spanglish pour vendre aux hispanophones d’Amérique du Nord Billet proposé par Brad Meehan, expert Adobe AEM. Depuis 2008, il a mis en œuvre de multiples installations importantes Adobe AEM pour de nombreux clients et secteurs...
Why we should use Spanglish to market to Spanish speakers in North America Guest post by Brad Meehan, Adobe AEM expert. Since 2008, he has implemented numerous large-scale Adobe AEM installations for a variety of clients and industries, such as FedEx, Ford, SAP,...
Mateusz Chromiński Responsable ingénierie produits chez Cognifide Mateusz rejoint Wordbee pour un billet sur la localisation des contenus Adobe AEM. Mateusz est chargé d’assurer l’ensemble du cycle de développement interne des produits pour AEM Zen Garden, le tout...
Localization in Adobe AEM: The benefits of AEM dictionaries and Template Processors in one easy solution Thanks to Mateusz for this expert post! Just a reminder, if you are looking for localization solutions for Adobe AEM, we have one that is compatible with all...
Épisode 1 : l’évolution continue des technologies de localisation Mark Shriner joins International Buzz to discuss localization technology and how it has evolved over the last ten years. Mark has 60 years of experience (just kidding, Mark!) in the translation industry...
Episode 1: The ongoing evolution of localization technologies Mark Shriner joins International Buzz to discuss localization technology and how it has evolved over the last ten years. Mark has 60 years of experience (just kidding, Mark!) in the translation industry and...
Mark Shriner joins Wordbee as Sales Director for North America Luxembourg September 2017 Mark Shriner joins Wordbee after nearly 30 years of success as a Sales Director, Coach, and CEO in the Asian market at such companies as The Big Word and CLS Communications (a...
Three Ms: Master Memory Maintenance If purchase orders are sent, invoices are issued, and you believe that you are managing a healthy and meaningful business for everyone involved in what you do, there is still one key task that remains: translation memory management....
Interview with Mark Shriner, new Wordbee Sales Director for North America Mark Shriner has joined Wordbee as the Sales Director for North America. Mark has wealth of knowledge and experience in the translation industry and has worked in a variety of executive roles...