点击申请观看演示How to be successful at localization for consumer electronics
Success = varied requirements + time-to-market
In consumer electronics, product launches and time-to-market can be game changers. Technical documentation, marketing materials, user interfaces… it all needs to be localized according to standard styleguides, terminology, and of course the target market’s expectations… and all in time for huge product launches.
Nobody wants to see localization come anywhere close to compromising a release date.
Wordbee comprehensive solution provides an all-in-one experience for the consumer electronics industry, featuring streamlined workflows for translations projects such as:
- Web content at scale
- Technical documentation
- User interfaces for software
- Advertising and marketing (some of the largest marketing firms in the world use Wordbee)
All while making sure that the customer experience interacting with the localized output is flawless and natural.
Use Wordbee Beebox to see a cracking live preview of your user interface, not just for websites but also for single-page applications and UIs of all kinds. Needless to say, this helps you turn around QA much faster, catch errors before they begin, and is a revolution for anyone translating a UI.
Wordbee Beebox is technically a middleware solution that is installed on-site. You can connect it straight to your repos or other services, and in turn connect it with your TMS. In any case, it has best-in-class Live Preview, and manages things like exact matches and translation memories for you.

How does Beebox know which string belongs in which part of the UI? Or even if one string belongs in many places of the UI? We can’t tell you that here, but trust us: it knows.

As a middleware solution, Beebox lets you connect with any TMS or LSP (translation provider) without getting locked-in. If you want to change providers, or change your TMS, Beebox stays where it is, and you just connect it (it handles all the extraction and XLIFF creation duties) to the new provider.
下载 15 天免费试用版,深入了解如何轻松有效、且面面俱到地管理您的本地化团队。
A taste of how consumer electronics companies can use Wordbee
Wordbee is HUGE, with 10 years of development and pound-for-pound the most features on the market. This is just a taste.

Wordbee is able to translate large volumes of supporting content such as product manuals and descriptions, services briefs and websites. It also translates any type of file and save money and time with a translation memory and integrated machine translation.

Thanks to Wordbee Translator, you are allowed to centralize and manage all your linguistic resources in one place. Real-time, contextual linguistic resources make it easy for the system to remember previous translations and apply them to new translations. This saves time and lowers translation costs while increasing throughput.

Continuous and Dynamic Translation (CoDyT), designed by Wordbee, automates or enhances management in every phase of your business, maintains flexibility, and reduces friction in the translation workflow. With automated workflows, these steps are taken care of without any extra efforts.

Marketing departments, documentation teams, different language service providers, engineers, content marketers, website developers, partner managers… it doesn’t matter who they are, they can all work in Wordbee. Centralize your processes, linguistic resources, and teams. Make things easier for everyone, and stop using four softwares when you can use one.
Features the Consumer Electronics Industry loves
Wordbee Translator meets your very specific needs

Wordbee Translator integrates with any system around the globe.

Tailored workflows and process for your business.

Implement the workflow that you need. Then automate it to achieve further savings.

Use machine translation how it best helps your project. Several options are available in Wordbee.

Wordbee makes it easy for your business by dominating finance and accounting.

Consistency is a key word for global companies. Wordbee has features specifically designed for your branding and localization team.

Never loose money by paying for the same sentence twice.

Streamlined communication and let your team mates order translations from your internal order portal.
Choose your next step
The best way to discover them is in a free trial or demonstration with our friendly staff.