During the localization process, managers or translators can decide to adapt the size of the segments in a job. This can happen for several reasons. Project managers often rework the segmentation of the source file to increase the chance of pre-translation in future jobs. Large segments may not be easy to reuse: the trick is to find the right segment length for each case. This operation can be done ad-hoc directly in the editor, for a single job and a specific case, and if required, you can update segmentation rules (SRX) in the system for a more automatic approach that will affect new files. On the other hand, translators may need to combine segments if they need to rework the syntax of a sentence or paragraph. The goal is to keep the source and target contents aligned as a whole so that their meaning and structure still make sense when used in other projects.
Split Segments
by Theo Black | Dec 23, 2020