Global Search

Global Search

Global Search is a powerful, user-friendly search engine in Wordbee Translator that you can use to quickly retrieve specific terms, phrases or segments within translations, translation memories and terminology databases that you are authorized to access. In addition,...
Quick Links

Quick Links

On your Wordbee Home Page, you can add a panel with quick links to your Account information, Clients, Suppliers, Projects and Resources. You can use the links to create a new client or upload a new translation memory directly from your dashboard interface. These...
Customizable Home Page

Customizable Home Page

The Wordbee dashboard gives you an overview of all recent activities that take place on your platform. You can customize the view to match your company brand and work style. Not only you can personalize the look & feel, but also select the widgets you want to use....
Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are a valuable Excel reporting tool in the Wordbee business reports that you can use to generate statistics about certain activities in your system or compare data in a quick and easy manner. The tables can summarize unorganized data in spreadsheets in a...
Task Categories

Task Categories

Tasks categories are selected when creating or editing projects as well as jobs or orders. Task categories are used to define and assign the work that must be completed as part of a project. They include tasks, such as Translation, Revision, Proofreading, or even...

Wordbee all-round features

Reaching global markets means you need to get your translation management together. 

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