Translation Resolutions for 2016

by | Aug 14, 2017

The New Year gives us all opportunities to take stock, reflect on what has been and make resolutions to make some corrections for improvements. Personally, those can be as diverse as giving up a bad habit, being more conscious of how you’re taking care of yourself or even a challenge to learn something new.

For enterprises and NGOs with a global presence – or for those wishing to expand to new markets in 2016 – the New Year can also be an opportunity to look at how you’ve been managing your translation requirements and make resolutions to change the processes that aren’t working for you as well as they should be.  There are several solutions that can make a big difference on everything from your localization spend to more efficient project management. Here are three translation resolutions you should consider for 2016:

1. Embrace technology to develop and manage your linguistic assets – Since all the content that you will be producing (or have already produced) belongs to you, start treating it like it’s the asset it really is. Like any other corporate asset, you’ll want to protect it, maintain it, and make sure it performs well. So how do you go about doing that?

By using a translation management system like Wordbee Translator, all the global content you develop becomes part of a Translation Memory (TM) that can be re-used and referenced against as each new project enters the system. With a TM, your future translations will get easier for your translators as content matches will be automatically inserted into the target language, making the finished product more consistent and less costly. And by having a cloud-based TMS where your TMs and glossaries are shared with only the people you want to share them with, you won’t be oversharing your content assets ever again.

2. Customize the workflow for each target language – not all markets are the same, nor are the in-house human resources in those markets for each target language. That’s why it’s important that your TMS can let you design workflows that are flexible to work the way you need them to.

For example, if the translation of one of your target languages needs to be outsourced, the workflow needs to include a couple more steps than it would if that work was being done in-house: you’ll need to have a quote on the job before the work begins, and get that quote approved beforehand.

Once the content has been translated, what happens to it next may vary, too, depending on everything from budget to availability. Being able to create flexible workflows means a project can be customized for each target language.

Having a TMS that lets you specify your workflow requirements is an effort that rewards you with a template for future jobs, making them easy to set up and deploy.

3. Embrace technology for better global project management – Your project managers don’t need to be buried in an endless heap of emails and attachments ever again. Our TMS lets the project manager set up email triggers sending job notifications automatically to the next designated person until the translation, proofreading and localization teams complete the project for that target language. With the Outlook style scheduler to organize and view holidays, people, supplier and client agenda ad-hoc project management is reduced, freeing up your project managers for more rewarding work.

Make 2016 the year you take control of your global content. By using technology to manage your assets, suppliers, resources and workflow, you’ll have high quality translations that are easily managed let you put an end to duplicates and the expense that brings.

If you’d like to see how Wordbee Translator can make a difference to your enterprise or NGO, we’d be happy to show you. Contact us at for more details.


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Reaching global markets means you need to get your translation management together. 

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